Vatican sex parties. WTF!! Will these accusations be examined to the fullest extent? I hope it isn’t conducted by the Vatican! I have a feeling this story will disappear into thin air very quickly. There is too much money and power involved for the truth to ever see the light of day.
I agree with you 100% that church has designed itself around building wealth and power and using gullible people to do it. Even if any of their faith had some beginning in reality they have long since run away with it to meet their own ends. Any one who wants to be faithfull and believe in god is free to do so and I hope it makes them happy, but they sure could do all the praying and worshiping at home without pissing away all of their money to some money grubbing church, and with the bonus of not having their children molested and murdered. And every thing else would be better not having those idiots forcing their beliefs on every one else all the while complaining that sane people are forcing them to do things they dont wanna do.
The Lord will sometimes reveal (in our life-time), the sin of one person or a group of people.
If I’m saddened and angered by how Catholic Priests were able to abuse a God institution, just think how he feels…….
Like another commenter said, Christ’s coming was to bring a “personal” relationship with himself. One needs to stay focused on a Book written and God inspired by himself……..the Bible.
You don’t need to rely on an institution to to define a personal relationship over a life-time. Read God’s word and hear him speak to you personally by the means he left for you and me – if we choose to accept him….the Holy Spirit.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…………..Do you hear Me now?
Doesnt really strike me as too hard to believe, they molest alter boys all the time why not cute teenage girls? This sort of thing is what that church is about, power and the abuse of it. Has been since its begining. Your faith may ideally be peacefull and loving, and very well may teach good values but the filth, the carnage, the hate, the cultural destruction across the entire planet, the meddling with politics the constant need and drive to force every one to act and live as they would want you to, its all bull, they cant even live that way themselves why should any one listen to them? If they preach the word of god then god must not really give a ****, he lets them get away with terrible acts and lets them rewrite his book every few decades to fit their needs. screw organized ritualistic religion, if you believe in god do so on your own, god doesnt need you to waste your life in a church pew, god is a bit bigger than all that, live a good life be kind to one an other and let the money grubbing churches go away.
Mike… I can fully understand your frustration and anger relative to religion. Please do not make the mistake of believing religion and God are synonymous, they clearly aren’t. Jesus came to re-establish relationship between God and man, NOT to establish a religion. Religion is man’s idea of what he thinks God wants. It is very dangerous to attempt to think for God! He (God) has revealed His will through scripture, it is avaialble for all to read, but unfortuntely certain denominations have altered the word, added to it and taken from it, and in many cases, completely ignored it. Do not for a moment believe that the Catholic church accurately represents the word of God, it clearly does not.
This is a tragic story on so many levels. When did Father Amorth discover this information? How did he discover it? If it happened when the mobster died in 1990 then why so long before the priest said anything? She was kidnapped in 1983 meaning she was raped continually by his fellow priest for 7 horrifying years!!! This while her father worked for them and her family tithed and worship with these men who no doubt promised to pray for them and their poor missing daughter!!There are no words fit to describe the kind of people these frauds are. When you do things like this in the name of God then you have no idea who God is.. .. but soon will.
I am Catholic and I would like to remind those who are being judgmental that the Church is the Body of Christ and it is full of sinners. That includes the clergy. I would also like to remind everyone that Christ said, “He who is WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone.” I know he was talking to the religious leaders in his time because they had caught a woman in the act of adultery and wanted to stone her but the verse still applies.
Vatican sex parties. WTF!! Will these accusations be examined to the fullest extent? I hope it isn’t conducted by the Vatican! I have a feeling this story will disappear into thin air very quickly. There is too much money and power involved for the truth to ever see the light of day.
I agree with you 100% that church has designed itself around building wealth and power and using gullible people to do it. Even if any of their faith had some beginning in reality they have long since run away with it to meet their own ends. Any one who wants to be faithfull and believe in god is free to do so and I hope it makes them happy, but they sure could do all the praying and worshiping at home without pissing away all of their money to some money grubbing church, and with the bonus of not having their children molested and murdered. And every thing else would be better not having those idiots forcing their beliefs on every one else all the while complaining that sane people are forcing them to do things they dont wanna do.
The Lord will sometimes reveal (in our life-time), the sin of one person or a group of people.
If I’m saddened and angered by how Catholic Priests were able to abuse a God institution, just think how he feels…….
Like another commenter said, Christ’s coming was to bring a “personal” relationship with himself. One needs to stay focused on a Book written and God inspired by himself……..the Bible.
You don’t need to rely on an institution to to define a personal relationship over a life-time. Read God’s word and hear him speak to you personally by the means he left for you and me – if we choose to accept him….the Holy Spirit.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…………..Do you hear Me now?
Doesnt really strike me as too hard to believe, they molest alter boys all the time why not cute teenage girls? This sort of thing is what that church is about, power and the abuse of it. Has been since its begining. Your faith may ideally be peacefull and loving, and very well may teach good values but the filth, the carnage, the hate, the cultural destruction across the entire planet, the meddling with politics the constant need and drive to force every one to act and live as they would want you to, its all bull, they cant even live that way themselves why should any one listen to them? If they preach the word of god then god must not really give a ****, he lets them get away with terrible acts and lets them rewrite his book every few decades to fit their needs. screw organized ritualistic religion, if you believe in god do so on your own, god doesnt need you to waste your life in a church pew, god is a bit bigger than all that, live a good life be kind to one an other and let the money grubbing churches go away.
Mike… I can fully understand your frustration and anger relative to religion. Please do not make the mistake of believing religion and God are synonymous, they clearly aren’t. Jesus came to re-establish relationship between God and man, NOT to establish a religion. Religion is man’s idea of what he thinks God wants. It is very dangerous to attempt to think for God! He (God) has revealed His will through scripture, it is avaialble for all to read, but unfortuntely certain denominations have altered the word, added to it and taken from it, and in many cases, completely ignored it. Do not for a moment believe that the Catholic church accurately represents the word of God, it clearly does not.
This is a tragic story on so many levels. When did Father Amorth discover this information? How did he discover it? If it happened when the mobster died in 1990 then why so long before the priest said anything? She was kidnapped in 1983 meaning she was raped continually by his fellow priest for 7 horrifying years!!! This while her father worked for them and her family tithed and worship with these men who no doubt promised to pray for them and their poor missing daughter!!There are no words fit to describe the kind of people these frauds are. When you do things like this in the name of God then you have no idea who God is.. .. but soon will.
Great questions, honest questions and questions which should, in the name of truth, be answered.
I am Catholic and I would like to remind those who are being judgmental that the Church is the Body of Christ and it is full of sinners. That includes the clergy. I would also like to remind everyone that Christ said, “He who is WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone.” I know he was talking to the religious leaders in his time because they had caught a woman in the act of adultery and wanted to stone her but the verse still applies.
Someone is still hiding in the closets there for too long and needs to come out so that the rest can be expose.