Not that I agree with any tidbit of the Nazi nonsense, but could they also do this if someone named their chidren after Confederate generals and heroes, and had confederate memorabilia around the house. Then if neighbors who didn’t agree with my position on the Civil War or War of Northern Agresssion, could report that my children were abused, giving the ‘authorities’ probable cause to call cps or any child protective agency to lawfully kidnap my children. Yikes! What Constitutional protections do we have?
Not that I agree with any tidbit of the Nazi nonsense, but could they also do this if someone named their chidren after Confederate generals and heroes, and had confederate memorabilia around the house. Then if neighbors who didn’t agree with my position on the Civil War or War of Northern Agresssion, could report that my children were abused, giving the ‘authorities’ probable cause to call cps or any child protective agency to lawfully kidnap my children. Yikes! What Constitutional protections do we have?