Bravo to those who erected and maintain the billboard.
Hopefully, and it probably will, encourage others to stand
for what they believe instead of cowering before the mainstream
media which itself is steadily witnessing a decline in audience.
It is funny how one culture roots is allowed and embraced and another is trampled on and ferociously attacked with the ethnic cleansing embraced.
Just because black people have their history does not make white history null and void. White people are entitled just as blacks are to remember their history no matter if blacks disagree with that history.
People are getting fed up with the double standard that we have had to live with from our birth that you can’t talk about that or you will offend a black person.
White people have rights and matter too but you will never see us bolstered as a race with a white history month or white caucus or white entertainment channel or magazine, no that would be wrong, so why is it ok for blacks to have those things, or support those things and if whites even hinted at those things that would be a hate crime against blacks?
You can’t have it both ways and people are sick of this. You know there are other cultures too but always the attack on whites, this needs to be addressed in the same articles expressed in the black culture attacks on whites articles.
How are the relations with blacks and Hispanics these days? You never write about that. Even Japanese and Koreans or Chinese and Japanese or Koreans and Chinese all have their cultural rubs but it is always the white wrong black right scenario all day every day.
Now all I am going to hear is ya but whites did this or that and an attempt to demonize whites. I am not sorry but blacks need to understand whites and their culture is not going anywhere or disappear, trying to eradicate white culture is so wrong it is sickening, it is not going to happen, what blacks are doing is wrong period.
Do not even try to equal all this with Hitler and the Jews as whites never tried to erase black culture, even saying that sounds funny.
Do not try to make it just a slavery issue either because blacks were the first slave owners and sellers of blacks also whites have been slaves in history also. No it is all about the resentment after the civil war and white/black black/white culture getting used to blacks with rights and blacks have used that chip every time to keep knocking whites. That needs to stop.
You don’t make progress by kicking the other guy down and blacks kick whites at any chance they can scrape up, it is just another some white guy offended a black person day. You would have thought the United States invented racial bias but you know right in Africa, South America, Central America, India, Asia “ALL” around the world the cultural divides have been for centuries.
So enough already erect as many black people statues and rename as many streets and highways after black people add some more holidays after black people what ever floats your boat and makes your self esteem happy but stop the evil white man rants, we have a right to live and we are not going anywhere.
Learn to integrate into all cultures instead of closing yourselves off in Ferguson towns or black clans like watts or Harlem or wherever only then will everyone get along till then you will only think of it as us and them hiding perpetuating clannish feuds. The Hatfields and McCoys got over it we can get over this if we can live and let live. No back sliding now, put your best foot forward and leave the other guy alone, no black or white was harmed in the writing of this comment.
Bravo to those who erected and maintain the billboard.
Hopefully, and it probably will, encourage others to stand
for what they believe instead of cowering before the mainstream
media which itself is steadily witnessing a decline in audience.
It is funny how one culture roots is allowed and embraced and another is trampled on and ferociously attacked with the ethnic cleansing embraced.
Just because black people have their history does not make white history null and void. White people are entitled just as blacks are to remember their history no matter if blacks disagree with that history.
People are getting fed up with the double standard that we have had to live with from our birth that you can’t talk about that or you will offend a black person.
White people have rights and matter too but you will never see us bolstered as a race with a white history month or white caucus or white entertainment channel or magazine, no that would be wrong, so why is it ok for blacks to have those things, or support those things and if whites even hinted at those things that would be a hate crime against blacks?
You can’t have it both ways and people are sick of this. You know there are other cultures too but always the attack on whites, this needs to be addressed in the same articles expressed in the black culture attacks on whites articles.
How are the relations with blacks and Hispanics these days? You never write about that. Even Japanese and Koreans or Chinese and Japanese or Koreans and Chinese all have their cultural rubs but it is always the white wrong black right scenario all day every day.
Now all I am going to hear is ya but whites did this or that and an attempt to demonize whites. I am not sorry but blacks need to understand whites and their culture is not going anywhere or disappear, trying to eradicate white culture is so wrong it is sickening, it is not going to happen, what blacks are doing is wrong period.
Do not even try to equal all this with Hitler and the Jews as whites never tried to erase black culture, even saying that sounds funny.
Do not try to make it just a slavery issue either because blacks were the first slave owners and sellers of blacks also whites have been slaves in history also. No it is all about the resentment after the civil war and white/black black/white culture getting used to blacks with rights and blacks have used that chip every time to keep knocking whites. That needs to stop.
You don’t make progress by kicking the other guy down and blacks kick whites at any chance they can scrape up, it is just another some white guy offended a black person day. You would have thought the United States invented racial bias but you know right in Africa, South America, Central America, India, Asia “ALL” around the world the cultural divides have been for centuries.
So enough already erect as many black people statues and rename as many streets and highways after black people add some more holidays after black people what ever floats your boat and makes your self esteem happy but stop the evil white man rants, we have a right to live and we are not going anywhere.
Learn to integrate into all cultures instead of closing yourselves off in Ferguson towns or black clans like watts or Harlem or wherever only then will everyone get along till then you will only think of it as us and them hiding perpetuating clannish feuds. The Hatfields and McCoys got over it we can get over this if we can live and let live. No back sliding now, put your best foot forward and leave the other guy alone, no black or white was harmed in the writing of this comment.