Reminds me of the story about the Cavan farmer who’s wife died. Cavan men are notorious for being mean with their money. The farmers wife passed away and he phoned up the Cavan Chronicle to put an obituary in the death notices. He spoke with the girl on the advert desk and said he wanted to put in his wife’s death notice, she said what would you like to put and he said, Bridie Malloy dead. The girl said you need more words than that at least six, so he thought for a moment and then said, HAY FOR SALE.
These days obituary columns have become long lists of glorious accomplishments. Sometimes makes me feel like a dunsel. I was very touched by what Legler’s daughter said about her Dad. Sounds like he was a really nice fellow.
From a small headstone in a tiny street-side cemetery on Yonge Street in North York, Ontario Canada. I remember reading it as kid almost 40 years ago. It reads: TAKE HEED VAIN PASSER BY. AS YOU ARE NOW SO ONCE WAS I. AND AS I AM SO SHALL YOU BE, SO PREPARE FOR DEATH AND FOLLOW ME. I’ve never forgotten it.
Reminds me of the story about the Cavan farmer who’s wife died. Cavan men are notorious for being mean with their money. The farmers wife passed away and he phoned up the Cavan Chronicle to put an obituary in the death notices. He spoke with the girl on the advert desk and said he wanted to put in his wife’s death notice, she said what would you like to put and he said, Bridie Malloy dead. The girl said you need more words than that at least six, so he thought for a moment and then said, HAY FOR SALE.
These days obituary columns have become long lists of glorious accomplishments. Sometimes makes me feel like a dunsel. I was very touched by what Legler’s daughter said about her Dad. Sounds like he was a really nice fellow.
From a small headstone in a tiny street-side cemetery on Yonge Street in North York, Ontario Canada. I remember reading it as kid almost 40 years ago. It reads: TAKE HEED VAIN PASSER BY. AS YOU ARE NOW SO ONCE WAS I. AND AS I AM SO SHALL YOU BE, SO PREPARE FOR DEATH AND FOLLOW ME. I’ve never forgotten it.