Rudy Guede Amanda Knox
on January 22, 2016 at 3:26 pm
The way the trial for poor Meredith’s murder has been handled has been a total shambles. This guy pleaded guilty so why shouldn’t he be in prison and the other 2 are certainly not as innocent as they plead. Justice certainly hasn’t been done!
Oh right. So…I come across someone dying…and then I use their blood to write on the walls. And then I run away. But…I am innocent. Hmmmm. That SO DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Every time I see Amanda Knox on TV i get the chills. Something isn’t right about her. She will get her comeuppance someday if she is guilty. She probably sees Meredith face in her dreams and wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.
All her responses are those I’d expect from someone with ASD. Doing the splits as a way to release rising adrenaline, kissing and cuddling her boyfriend as a behaviour pattern expected of a girlfriend with the only person there to comfort her, trying to agree with the police to keep them happy: all of them she is trying to cope but doesn’t realise her actions aren’t quite right in that context. The way she dresses and without make-up and the way she behaved prior to the murder when she didn’t seem to understand the boundaries and rules of the house or her student life, the sometimes blank, uncomprehending look on her face which is so at odds with how we expect people to ‘act’ when in the media. Everything about her is a bit ‘off’ just as it is for people with ASD. That doesn’t make her a murderer.
this girl was no innocent. all the house residents have testified to her drug use. she invited the dealer to the house, for what kind of games we can only guess. she was jealous of the beautiful and popular american
Knox is so beguiling. I find her that attractive that for her I would do anything. I have a recurring dream about us being in hostage type situation where I use my military skills to save the day. I can’t save everyone, and I have to kill some of the antagonists, but at the end of my scenario we walk away hand in hand. I then declare my love and she declares her innocence while some proof or other is established back at the scene of the crime.
You plead guilty and who on earth used a victims blood as ink. Come on mate!
The way the trial for poor Meredith’s murder has been handled has been a total shambles. This guy pleaded guilty so why shouldn’t he be in prison and the other 2 are certainly not as innocent as they plead. Justice certainly hasn’t been done!
Oh right. So…I come across someone dying…and then I use their blood to write on the walls. And then I run away. But…I am innocent. Hmmmm. That SO DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Every time I see Amanda Knox on TV i get the chills. Something isn’t right about her. She will get her comeuppance someday if she is guilty. She probably sees Meredith face in her dreams and wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.
All her responses are those I’d expect from someone with ASD. Doing the splits as a way to release rising adrenaline, kissing and cuddling her boyfriend as a behaviour pattern expected of a girlfriend with the only person there to comfort her, trying to agree with the police to keep them happy: all of them she is trying to cope but doesn’t realise her actions aren’t quite right in that context. The way she dresses and without make-up and the way she behaved prior to the murder when she didn’t seem to understand the boundaries and rules of the house or her student life, the sometimes blank, uncomprehending look on her face which is so at odds with how we expect people to ‘act’ when in the media. Everything about her is a bit ‘off’ just as it is for people with ASD. That doesn’t make her a murderer.
this girl was no innocent. all the house residents have testified to her drug use. she invited the dealer to the house, for what kind of games we can only guess. she was jealous of the beautiful and popular american
Knox is so beguiling. I find her that attractive that for her I would do anything. I have a recurring dream about us being in hostage type situation where I use my military skills to save the day. I can’t save everyone, and I have to kill some of the antagonists, but at the end of my scenario we walk away hand in hand. I then declare my love and she declares her innocence while some proof or other is established back at the scene of the crime.