The saddest part for me is that this couple has so many children that they wouldn’t be able to really know what was happening with each and every child in that family. I’m a married mother of 3 and I sweat just balancing activities, with play dates, and homework and my own projects. But I’m not too tired to notice if one of my kids comes home with a strange demeanor. If they are oddly quiet, or sad, my mom antennae immediately zaps in on them. The problem with having more than 10 kids, is that even the best mother will be so tired and frazzled that something will likely fall through the cracks. When you’ve got 19 kids – the older ones are raising the younger ones, and I’m not sure who’s raising the older ones since they are seen as co-parents. Let’s be honest here.
OK, so I just Googled “Duggar treatment center Hobby Lobby”, and guess what? The uber-rich evangelicals that own Hobby Lobby, the ones whose court case gave the Supreme Court to claim that corporations can have religious beliefs, are the primary sponsor of the treatment centers that Josh Duggar was sent to. This is the treatment center that, in essence, blames the victim for tempting you. Head over to gawker for more about it.
This entire Quiverful/far-right evangelical movement is rotten and immoral to the core.
Does anyone else think that TLC hasn’t cancelled the show yet because they’re trying to get their legal affairs in order? My guess is, they knew of this years ago and ignored it and pushed it under the rug, just as Jim Bob and Michelle did when almost all of their daughters were molested. This is the sort of thing that tends to take on a life of its own and ends up taking out multiple complicit parties. I expect we’re going to hear a LOT more about all of this.
Let’s not forget, too, that abstinence education is very closely related to the Duggar’s warped view of human sexuality. And unfortunately, abstinence education is the only sex education that a large portion of our kids will ever have.
We have some weird, puritanical views about sex in our porn-obsessed society here in the states, but maybe we can use this truly regrettable incident to understand, finally, that repression and shaming is the single most unhealthy way of educating our children.
Any perceptive person could see from space that the Duggar’s were a giant fvcked up family. What woman would CHOSE to have 19 kids (and counting!?!!) Here Michelle Duggar forbid her daughters from wearing shorts, going to the beach, or going on dates- all the while her demented son was molesting them in bed. I guess it was the daughter’s fault. They didn’t pray hard enough, or perhaps they provoked Josh by not strapping their breasts down with duct tape while they slept.
The saddest part for me is that this couple has so many children that they wouldn’t be able to really know what was happening with each and every child in that family. I’m a married mother of 3 and I sweat just balancing activities, with play dates, and homework and my own projects. But I’m not too tired to notice if one of my kids comes home with a strange demeanor. If they are oddly quiet, or sad, my mom antennae immediately zaps in on them. The problem with having more than 10 kids, is that even the best mother will be so tired and frazzled that something will likely fall through the cracks. When you’ve got 19 kids – the older ones are raising the younger ones, and I’m not sure who’s raising the older ones since they are seen as co-parents. Let’s be honest here.
OK, so I just Googled “Duggar treatment center Hobby Lobby”, and guess what? The uber-rich evangelicals that own Hobby Lobby, the ones whose court case gave the Supreme Court to claim that corporations can have religious beliefs, are the primary sponsor of the treatment centers that Josh Duggar was sent to. This is the treatment center that, in essence, blames the victim for tempting you. Head over to gawker for more about it.
This entire Quiverful/far-right evangelical movement is rotten and immoral to the core.
Does anyone else think that TLC hasn’t cancelled the show yet because they’re trying to get their legal affairs in order? My guess is, they knew of this years ago and ignored it and pushed it under the rug, just as Jim Bob and Michelle did when almost all of their daughters were molested. This is the sort of thing that tends to take on a life of its own and ends up taking out multiple complicit parties. I expect we’re going to hear a LOT more about all of this.
Let’s not forget, too, that abstinence education is very closely related to the Duggar’s warped view of human sexuality. And unfortunately, abstinence education is the only sex education that a large portion of our kids will ever have.
We have some weird, puritanical views about sex in our porn-obsessed society here in the states, but maybe we can use this truly regrettable incident to understand, finally, that repression and shaming is the single most unhealthy way of educating our children.
Any perceptive person could see from space that the Duggar’s were a giant fvcked up family. What woman would CHOSE to have 19 kids (and counting!?!!) Here Michelle Duggar forbid her daughters from wearing shorts, going to the beach, or going on dates- all the while her demented son was molesting them in bed. I guess it was the daughter’s fault. They didn’t pray hard enough, or perhaps they provoked Josh by not strapping their breasts down with duct tape while they slept.