Team H all the way! Never release those Goldman transcripts! Transparency sucks. We don’t need to trust you girl. Who cares if you lied about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Go Hillary! So awesome that you supported a republican segregationist while Bernie was getting arrested trying to desegregate school housing. Yeyyy! 2013 was a great year to start supporting same sex marriage. You are so right Hillary, We can’t do it all. Incremental change is awesome! Team Hillary all the way.
Will Ferrell Hillary Clinton
on February 21, 2016 at 8:14 am
so how exactly is bernie going to make changes?how is it he plans on paying millions upon millions of students school debt while maintaining our degrading economy? i heard from bernie sanders supporter at our school the other day he is taxing wall street and anyone who makes 250k or more a year higher taxes….so how will he get Congress to get on board since most make well over that and will not want to see less money out of their pay?
Team H all the way! Never release those Goldman transcripts! Transparency sucks. We don’t need to trust you girl. Who cares if you lied about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. Go Hillary! So awesome that you supported a republican segregationist while Bernie was getting arrested trying to desegregate school housing. Yeyyy! 2013 was a great year to start supporting same sex marriage. You are so right Hillary, We can’t do it all. Incremental change is awesome! Team Hillary all the way.
so how exactly is bernie going to make changes?how is it he plans on paying millions upon millions of students school debt while maintaining our degrading economy? i heard from bernie sanders supporter at our school the other day he is taxing wall street and anyone who makes 250k or more a year higher taxes….so how will he get Congress to get on board since most make well over that and will not want to see less money out of their pay?