How much of a finger? (I mean, even just a tiny piece is disgusting) but if it was the entire top of the finger, you’d think her boss would notice she was bleeding and had a stump!!! If it was just a “slice” of the finger pad, that’s still nasty but less noticeable to the boss. Poor kid – I’d never eat out again.
Wow – I suppose we’ve found the criteria to discust those who don’t already find fast food appauling – put a mutilated body part in it. Serves you right for eating at f**king Arbys. I’m suprised you could distinguish a rubber object from the fat ridden peice of garbage (smothered in cheese and/or gravy I’m sure) you were packing back. Truly discusting.
I can’t help but wonder if this is a scam between them. You cut off a portion of your finger, so much in fact that someone could recognize it AS A PIECE OF FINGER and you “forgot” to report it? That sounds like a “let’s split the comp” scam..;..
How does somebody forget to report such ??
Boy should be compensated .
ya, how do you forget that your missing a finger. You’d think she’d remember to tell someone, doesn’t happen everyday that you lose a finger.
thats what happens when you hire people with no training or food safe!!!!
It’s Finger Lickin Good !!!!!!!!!!
good thing it wasn’t a dick and balls he found hey!
okay, now how would someone mangae to cut that off when slicing meat, hmm? You’d have to have a lot of coordination challenge..
I guess that’s a new way of giving someone the finger 🙂
That’s because if you hurt yourself at work you get fired anyways.
I would sue Arby’s for millions!!
Why do we want to know THIS? huh?
true definition of finger food right there
How much of a finger? (I mean, even just a tiny piece is disgusting) but if it was the entire top of the finger, you’d think her boss would notice she was bleeding and had a stump!!! If it was just a “slice” of the finger pad, that’s still nasty but less noticeable to the boss. Poor kid – I’d never eat out again.
even if the top got cut off there would be a lot of blood. Happened to someone i know. It was so not pretty D:
Wow – I suppose we’ve found the criteria to discust those who don’t already find fast food appauling – put a mutilated body part in it. Serves you right for eating at f**king Arbys. I’m suprised you could distinguish a rubber object from the fat ridden peice of garbage (smothered in cheese and/or gravy I’m sure) you were packing back. Truly discusting.
After that he’s probably checking all his fast food for unwanted things.
I can’t help but wonder if this is a scam between them. You cut off a portion of your finger, so much in fact that someone could recognize it AS A PIECE OF FINGER and you “forgot” to report it? That sounds like a “let’s split the comp” scam..;..
Absolute BS as always with these stories.
WE’VE GOT THE MEAT!!! (please don’t ask which kind)
– Arby’s