Come on people..this is the USA. People have never gotten upset over a white guy having a Black girlfriend in America. It’s when the script gets flipped and a Black person has a White girlfriend, panties get tied in a knot.
Watch any popular TV show or movie and count how many Black people are pictured with White women and you’ll see what I mean. It’s a holdover from how this (and other countries) were made. Just goes to show how some people can evolve..while others just MUTATE.
Actually, people DO get their knickers in a knot–especially when the Nice White Dude decides to MARRY the Nice Black Girlfriend….then that’s when the Nice White Guy gets cut out of his parents’ will, and his RELATIVES find reasons to ostracize him for committing the Grave Sin of MARRYING the Nice Black LAdy, EVEN IF the marriage is held in a house of worship! You see, it’s OK to FORNICATE with or RAPE a Black Girlfriend–that’s the holdover from SLAVERY and the JIM CROW ERA–but it isn’t Ok to MARRY the Black Lady and have a RESPECTABLE MARRIAGE and FAMILY with the Nice Black Lady! If you need further proof, notice how the WHITE MALE-BLACK FEMALE relationship was hushed up, TABOO and not even portrayed in TV shows and movies for DECADES…
Who cares? It was 20-25 years ago. It has no impact whatsoever on the character and policies of the individuals involved in this race (no pun intended). We cannot bash a white guy for having had a black gf and not bash the black guy for having had a white gg. This is all stupid and being made into something it isn’t. If race is an issue, please explain to me how a black (bi-racial) man got into the White House. I am sensing a great deal of hypocrisy in this aspect of the presidential race, as well as many other areas.
Come on people..this is the USA. People have never gotten upset over a white guy having a Black girlfriend in America. It’s when the script gets flipped and a Black person has a White girlfriend, panties get tied in a knot.
Watch any popular TV show or movie and count how many Black people are pictured with White women and you’ll see what I mean. It’s a holdover from how this (and other countries) were made. Just goes to show how some people can evolve..while others just MUTATE.
Actually, people DO get their knickers in a knot–especially when the Nice White Dude decides to MARRY the Nice Black Girlfriend….then that’s when the Nice White Guy gets cut out of his parents’ will, and his RELATIVES find reasons to ostracize him for committing the Grave Sin of MARRYING the Nice Black LAdy, EVEN IF the marriage is held in a house of worship! You see, it’s OK to FORNICATE with or RAPE a Black Girlfriend–that’s the holdover from SLAVERY and the JIM CROW ERA–but it isn’t Ok to MARRY the Black Lady and have a RESPECTABLE MARRIAGE and FAMILY with the Nice Black Lady! If you need further proof, notice how the WHITE MALE-BLACK FEMALE relationship was hushed up, TABOO and not even portrayed in TV shows and movies for DECADES…
Who cares? It was 20-25 years ago. It has no impact whatsoever on the character and policies of the individuals involved in this race (no pun intended). We cannot bash a white guy for having had a black gf and not bash the black guy for having had a white gg. This is all stupid and being made into something it isn’t. If race is an issue, please explain to me how a black (bi-racial) man got into the White House. I am sensing a great deal of hypocrisy in this aspect of the presidential race, as well as many other areas.