jefferson davis statue ut austin facts
on May 11, 2015 at 6:52 am
“We thought, there are those old ties to slavery and some would find it offensive,” said senior Jamie Nalley. And what makes you think that just because you are “offended” that others must change what you don’t like? Many Americans find your attitude “offensive”…and arrogant, entitled and immature.
” while opponents argue the memorials are too often insensitive or antagonistic…” Wait a minute…a STATUE of a real man is insensitive or antagonistic? Does the sight of a person cause you pain and anguish? How so? It reminds you of the slavery that didn’t happen to you, right? It reminds you of something that ended 150 years ago? Perhaps that is what it SHOULD do, so that you remember that bad things happen. That’s called “history”.
History is real. A LOT of bad things happened in the past, and they cannot, nor should not, be forgotten if we are to have learned their lesson. Many, perhaps most, Americans have ancestors that fought on both sides during the Civil War. They were ALL Americans, and Abraham Lincoln himself felt that we needed to forgive so that we could move forward as one nation. They were brave, most were good men. If fighting for the Confederacy taints your blood forever…then shouldn’t committing an actual crime, NOW, taint the blood of the criminal FOREVER? Many of these men went on to lead productive lives and contributed tremendously to the United States. Shall that, too, be washed from the memories of history?
He is a hero of the Civil War was about slavery,but it was a small part of the war the stemmed from what the US government it doing now with over reaching laws,over taxation of the middle class,now taxes for the rich like back in the days of old the rich plantation owners from both the north and the south the north was no less guilty than the south about slavery over the year.
I like how when anyone mentions the South,the American Civil War or the Rebel Flag
everyone looses there “Fracking” minds yet when the Dukes of Hazard debut on TV and the
General Lee came flying into our homes in Hemi Orange paint with a huge Rebel Flag on the roof the the name General Lee on each side no one said a word about Slavery,the Civil War or how racist the Rebel Flag is to them wow how times have changed. You out there can’t WHITE WASH the American Civil war out of existence by removing every Statue,Flag,Portrait and or Battle Field. TO ALL UT STUDENTS GROW UP STUDY AND MOVE ON OR LEAVE.
The attempt by many to erase history to suit the wants of people of color is crazy. History, good and bad is HISTORY and should remain as such. We have moved on in our history and the fact that we continue to bow down to people who get their feelings hurt is crazy. At what point do we say NO ? Do we remove every statue, land mark and text book that refers to slavery ? No. We need to preserve our nations history good and bad and continue to move forward. To allow this to happen will be a tragedy and those who seek to keep the flames of race going are not only hurting themselves but the whole nation. Put your efforts into something that needs attention NOW and for the future and stop trying to erase the past.
people need to read up on slavery ,instead of what your told, the first slave owner in America was a black man
“We thought, there are those old ties to slavery and some would find it offensive,” said senior Jamie Nalley. And what makes you think that just because you are “offended” that others must change what you don’t like? Many Americans find your attitude “offensive”…and arrogant, entitled and immature.
” while opponents argue the memorials are too often insensitive or antagonistic…” Wait a minute…a STATUE of a real man is insensitive or antagonistic? Does the sight of a person cause you pain and anguish? How so? It reminds you of the slavery that didn’t happen to you, right? It reminds you of something that ended 150 years ago? Perhaps that is what it SHOULD do, so that you remember that bad things happen. That’s called “history”.
History is real. A LOT of bad things happened in the past, and they cannot, nor should not, be forgotten if we are to have learned their lesson. Many, perhaps most, Americans have ancestors that fought on both sides during the Civil War. They were ALL Americans, and Abraham Lincoln himself felt that we needed to forgive so that we could move forward as one nation. They were brave, most were good men. If fighting for the Confederacy taints your blood forever…then shouldn’t committing an actual crime, NOW, taint the blood of the criminal FOREVER? Many of these men went on to lead productive lives and contributed tremendously to the United States. Shall that, too, be washed from the memories of history?
He is a hero of the Civil War was about slavery,but it was a small part of the war the stemmed from what the US government it doing now with over reaching laws,over taxation of the middle class,now taxes for the rich like back in the days of old the rich plantation owners from both the north and the south the north was no less guilty than the south about slavery over the year.
I like how when anyone mentions the South,the American Civil War or the Rebel Flag
everyone looses there “Fracking” minds yet when the Dukes of Hazard debut on TV and the
General Lee came flying into our homes in Hemi Orange paint with a huge Rebel Flag on the roof the the name General Lee on each side no one said a word about Slavery,the Civil War or how racist the Rebel Flag is to them wow how times have changed. You out there can’t WHITE WASH the American Civil war out of existence by removing every Statue,Flag,Portrait and or Battle Field. TO ALL UT STUDENTS GROW UP STUDY AND MOVE ON OR LEAVE.
The attempt by many to erase history to suit the wants of people of color is crazy. History, good and bad is HISTORY and should remain as such. We have moved on in our history and the fact that we continue to bow down to people who get their feelings hurt is crazy. At what point do we say NO ? Do we remove every statue, land mark and text book that refers to slavery ? No. We need to preserve our nations history good and bad and continue to move forward. To allow this to happen will be a tragedy and those who seek to keep the flames of race going are not only hurting themselves but the whole nation. Put your efforts into something that needs attention NOW and for the future and stop trying to erase the past.