A divorce in New York is like getting and Elephant to use a condom on it’s trunk while sucking up peanuts. Who would want to get a divorce in New York anyway, leave the state and then get a divorce while your basking on the Florida beaches. Just liquidate your 401K first.
think the crappy part of this is that she is allowed to marry and divorce as many men as she wants because it’s legal. But gay people can’t marry once because it will ruin the sanctity of marriage.
I don’t care if this is an immigration scam, or she really loved them all but never got around to legally divorcing them, the point is that she can marry and divorce as many men as she wants. If we’re going to tout the bible out as the law of the land (which I am adamantly AGAINST), you either choose to make all the laws in the bible law (i.e. no divorce, no premarital sex, women cannot speak above a man, slavery is legal, women can be stoned to death, etc…) or you stop using the bible as a weapon of mass destruction and start allowing people to marry whomever they want.
I’m so sick of reading articles about Americans on their second, third, forth, whatever, marriage, but two men or two women wanting to get married sends the masses to the streets to protest. I could care less who wants to marry who (2 men, 2 women, 1 man 1 woman, 1 man 3 women, 1 women 3 men) and I don’t care how many times you want to get married, it is time to start acknowledging that Americans in this country are being denied their basic civil rights.
If you claim to love ‘Merica and call yourself a patriot, then you should be fighting FOR all to marry whomever they so choose.
NYC woman married 10 times
on May 20, 2015 at 7:18 pm
Get real fool. The definition of marriage is a contract between one man and one woman. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the bible. All marriage laws were written before effective birth control was available, and at a time when women were for all practical purposes not part of the work force. At the time, it was a criminal offense for a man and woman to live together unless they were married. The primary purpose of marriage laws was to define the legal obligations of men to their wives and children. The state interest in marriage laws was to make the wage earning spouse (husband) liable for supporting wives and children to avoid their becoming a burden on the state and taxpayers. Yes, we understand you mentally ill freaks of nature believe you are entitled to special privileges simply because you’re freaks, but the bottom line is you are entitled to no such thing. If a gay man wants to marry a lesbian, the right to do so is protected and you may not be discriminated against. There has NEVER been a right for men to marry men, or women to marry women, for the simple reason that such unions are NOT a marriage in the first place. While arguments might be made that marriage laws are obsolete and should be abolished, your argument is akin to saying a man should be able to marry a dog because sex with dogs is what turns his crank. You and the dog lover are equally mentally ill.
A divorce in New York is like getting and Elephant to use a condom on it’s trunk while sucking up peanuts. Who would want to get a divorce in New York anyway, leave the state and then get a divorce while your basking on the Florida beaches. Just liquidate your 401K first.
For immigration/citizenship purposes?
think the crappy part of this is that she is allowed to marry and divorce as many men as she wants because it’s legal. But gay people can’t marry once because it will ruin the sanctity of marriage.
I don’t care if this is an immigration scam, or she really loved them all but never got around to legally divorcing them, the point is that she can marry and divorce as many men as she wants. If we’re going to tout the bible out as the law of the land (which I am adamantly AGAINST), you either choose to make all the laws in the bible law (i.e. no divorce, no premarital sex, women cannot speak above a man, slavery is legal, women can be stoned to death, etc…) or you stop using the bible as a weapon of mass destruction and start allowing people to marry whomever they want.
I’m so sick of reading articles about Americans on their second, third, forth, whatever, marriage, but two men or two women wanting to get married sends the masses to the streets to protest. I could care less who wants to marry who (2 men, 2 women, 1 man 1 woman, 1 man 3 women, 1 women 3 men) and I don’t care how many times you want to get married, it is time to start acknowledging that Americans in this country are being denied their basic civil rights.
If you claim to love ‘Merica and call yourself a patriot, then you should be fighting FOR all to marry whomever they so choose.
Get real fool. The definition of marriage is a contract between one man and one woman. It has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the bible. All marriage laws were written before effective birth control was available, and at a time when women were for all practical purposes not part of the work force. At the time, it was a criminal offense for a man and woman to live together unless they were married. The primary purpose of marriage laws was to define the legal obligations of men to their wives and children. The state interest in marriage laws was to make the wage earning spouse (husband) liable for supporting wives and children to avoid their becoming a burden on the state and taxpayers. Yes, we understand you mentally ill freaks of nature believe you are entitled to special privileges simply because you’re freaks, but the bottom line is you are entitled to no such thing. If a gay man wants to marry a lesbian, the right to do so is protected and you may not be discriminated against. There has NEVER been a right for men to marry men, or women to marry women, for the simple reason that such unions are NOT a marriage in the first place. While arguments might be made that marriage laws are obsolete and should be abolished, your argument is akin to saying a man should be able to marry a dog because sex with dogs is what turns his crank. You and the dog lover are equally mentally ill.