Councilman Kenneth Stokes
on January 2, 2016 at 5:14 pm
Black Lives Matter is now the establishment. “Stokes” does seem appropriate because he is stoking the fires of more killing. Most importantly, inciting to riot is illegal in every state. If he gets away with this without being arrested and charged, I honestly will not be surprised in the current culture of total insanity.
The bigger picture is civil unrest, riots, bloodshed in the streets, which will require, according to the Muslim in Chief – you guessed it – martial law. Then – suspension of elections because of course with civil unrest we cannot have fair elections. It’s going to be interesting how all of this plays out on a national scale. I hope and pray that I am wrong, because I still have hope, though fading, for some return to civility, and to a government “Of the People, By the People and For the People”, not a government by mob rule, which Stokes is calling for. I do not believe, as different from, what Stokes and Black lives matter folk believe, that mob rule and representative democracy in a Republican form of government are the same thing, but sometimes in the liberal mind that blurs all lines of clarity of thought, mob rule and the Constitution contemplate the same kind of government
In my opinion, Greg Abbott the current corporate welfare governor of TX, threatned our President when Abbott posed with his gun. Authorites need to take it from him. Why isn’t he in jail?
Black Lives Matter is now the establishment. “Stokes” does seem appropriate because he is stoking the fires of more killing. Most importantly, inciting to riot is illegal in every state. If he gets away with this without being arrested and charged, I honestly will not be surprised in the current culture of total insanity.
The bigger picture is civil unrest, riots, bloodshed in the streets, which will require, according to the Muslim in Chief – you guessed it – martial law. Then – suspension of elections because of course with civil unrest we cannot have fair elections. It’s going to be interesting how all of this plays out on a national scale. I hope and pray that I am wrong, because I still have hope, though fading, for some return to civility, and to a government “Of the People, By the People and For the People”, not a government by mob rule, which Stokes is calling for. I do not believe, as different from, what Stokes and Black lives matter folk believe, that mob rule and representative democracy in a Republican form of government are the same thing, but sometimes in the liberal mind that blurs all lines of clarity of thought, mob rule and the Constitution contemplate the same kind of government
Stokes attitude is what is behind so many blacks running afoul of the law. It seems to be combination of a lack of respect of authority and stupidity.
As long as Racists rule this land that they stole,One has to put up with their remarks toward People of color on and in this foul country!!!!!
This guy is as dim-witted as the nit-wits who elected him . . . birds of a feather flock & squawk together.
Keep it up, BLM’ers, and you’ll be singin’ the blues down at the local jailhouse, all in perfect harmony, and exactly where you all belong.
In my opinion, Greg Abbott the current corporate welfare governor of TX, threatned our President when Abbott posed with his gun. Authorites need to take it from him. Why isn’t he in jail?