Muslims condemn attacks:
on November 15, 2015 at 8:16 am
One for sure the person who come in October did not go via Hungary since they have closed the borders and will not let “refugees” in. The other one might. We do need borer control and keep them in locked/fenced facilities to be processed and checked. It takes time and lot’s of money, but that time/money could save lives! Think before you stand up for strangers other than your own countryman. Think before you stand up for cultures that you don’t really know anything about.
Absolute slaughter. No matter what your religion is, anyone who can do that in their God’s name is a monster. They probably didn’t even ask themselves if it was worth it. Is this what our flimsy governments want us to be persistent in? Also our politician’s need to ask themselves if it was worth opening the borders so they can make themselves look good. Political correctness has gone to far and soon anything our elite says won’t be enough to stop people taking action against this filth.
It’s time for people who dorsn’t make a difference between muslims and terrorists to educate yourselves. Take a Quran and read it. You will see that what those scumbags are doing has nothing to deal with Islam. We, french muslims, stand for our country. You don’t see it because medias don’t show it. We are 10000% against them
odd; it seems like more Muslims condemn terrorism/violence like this than Christians do terrorism/violence toward women’s health centers and workers, LGBT, etc. (or just conservatives toward general crazed mass-shooters). perhaps i’m just not hearing it, but whenever someone blows up a Planned Parenthood clinic or goes to a church and shoots a doctor in the head, there’s mostly just ‘crickets’ afterward.
for somebody who has the time and enjoys that sort of thing, i wouldn’t mind some quantification, some stats to see if that’s true.
One for sure the person who come in October did not go via Hungary since they have closed the borders and will not let “refugees” in. The other one might. We do need borer control and keep them in locked/fenced facilities to be processed and checked. It takes time and lot’s of money, but that time/money could save lives! Think before you stand up for strangers other than your own countryman. Think before you stand up for cultures that you don’t really know anything about.
Absolute slaughter. No matter what your religion is, anyone who can do that in their God’s name is a monster. They probably didn’t even ask themselves if it was worth it. Is this what our flimsy governments want us to be persistent in? Also our politician’s need to ask themselves if it was worth opening the borders so they can make themselves look good. Political correctness has gone to far and soon anything our elite says won’t be enough to stop people taking action against this filth.
It’s time for people who dorsn’t make a difference between muslims and terrorists to educate yourselves. Take a Quran and read it. You will see that what those scumbags are doing has nothing to deal with Islam. We, french muslims, stand for our country. You don’t see it because medias don’t show it. We are 10000% against them
odd; it seems like more Muslims condemn terrorism/violence like this than Christians do terrorism/violence toward women’s health centers and workers, LGBT, etc. (or just conservatives toward general crazed mass-shooters). perhaps i’m just not hearing it, but whenever someone blows up a Planned Parenthood clinic or goes to a church and shoots a doctor in the head, there’s mostly just ‘crickets’ afterward.
for somebody who has the time and enjoys that sort of thing, i wouldn’t mind some quantification, some stats to see if that’s true.