Global growth IMF chief
on December 31, 2015 at 7:00 am
Endless GDP growth which is basically growth in population x consumption is neither possible nor desirable on a finite planet already in overshoot of natural resource depletion and mounting pollution, yet this is the operating system or rather fairy tale religion which the so called economists, politicians and public at large subscribe to. If we don’t transition this system to a sustainable economic system which obviously cannot be growth based but has healthy fluctuations about a steady state within safe operating limits of nature (see steadystate dot org), then nature will do it through the usual suspects of wars and starvation. It is a shame that the whole world is pretty much addicted to growth, future generations will wonder what the hell were we thinking and doing not realizing this addiction, what a shame!
for the first four years Obama bent over backward to throw every unemployment extension he could pull out of his #$%$ at the unemployment rates and blamed George Bush THEN when he had his golden reelection ticket he brought down the hammer everyone gets kicked off unemployment as soon as humanly possible. We have tens of millions who have given up looking for work and Obama calls those EMPLOYED because he is an #$%$hat
Endless GDP growth which is basically growth in population x consumption is neither possible nor desirable on a finite planet already in overshoot of natural resource depletion and mounting pollution, yet this is the operating system or rather fairy tale religion which the so called economists, politicians and public at large subscribe to. If we don’t transition this system to a sustainable economic system which obviously cannot be growth based but has healthy fluctuations about a steady state within safe operating limits of nature (see steadystate dot org), then nature will do it through the usual suspects of wars and starvation. It is a shame that the whole world is pretty much addicted to growth, future generations will wonder what the hell were we thinking and doing not realizing this addiction, what a shame!
for the first four years Obama bent over backward to throw every unemployment extension he could pull out of his #$%$ at the unemployment rates and blamed George Bush THEN when he had his golden reelection ticket he brought down the hammer everyone gets kicked off unemployment as soon as humanly possible. We have tens of millions who have given up looking for work and Obama calls those EMPLOYED because he is an #$%$hat